Asphalt Materials and Mixtures 2014, Vol. 3


TRB’s Transportation Research Record (TRR): Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2446 consists of 10 articles that explore a method for evaluating moisture susceptibility and rutting using the Hamburg wheel tracking test; the influence of air void content on moisture damage susceptibility of asphalt mixtures; a performance-based moisture susceptibility evaluation of warm-mix asphalt concrete; a friction study of long-term pavement performance; and safety aspects of wet asphalt pavement surfaces through field and numerical modeling investigations.

This TRR also examines a moisture susceptibility evaluation of nano-sized hydrated lime-modified asphalt–aggregate systems; moisture susceptibility of cold-mix asphalt; warm-mix and rubber-modified open-graded friction course test sections made without fibers in South Carolina; development of asphaltic materials to resist studded tire wear; and reporting results from the Hamburg wheel tracking device.

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