Mark McConnell
Mississippi Department of Transportation Deputy Executive Director and Chief Engineer Mark McConnell was recently appointed to chair a committee of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. AASHTO President Paul Trombino appointed McConnell to chair the Transportation System Preservation Technical Service Program known as TSP2.
The mission of TSP2 is to serve as a clearinghouse with comprehensive and up-to-date information on efficient and effective preservation measures that enhance highway performance and extend useful life. McConnell also chairs the Highway Subcommittee on Maintenance and the Special Committee on U.S. Route Numbering.
McConnell was appointed as Deputy Executive Director and Chief Engineer in January 2012. He started his career with MDOT in 1988 at the Vicksburg Project Office. Since that time, he has served in various positions including project engineer, District Maintenance Engineer, Assistant State Maintenance Engineer and most recently, Assistant Chief Engineer for Field Operations.