Superior Program Earns FP2 Award for Charleston County

Pavement Preservation Journal, Summer 2015, Vol. 8, No. 2

South Carolina’s Charleston County is the winner of the 2014 James B. Sorenson Award for Excellence in Pavement Preservation, presented by FP2 Inc.  The county received the award at the March meeting of the Southeast Pavement Preservation Partnership in Charleston, S.C.

Judges said the county’s program is distinguished by “great use of media, particularly Comcast [cable] TV programming, and web site,” and “mailers, presentations and signage.”

In addition to “effective implementation of its pavement management system,” the county has benefited from an “unusually high number of different technologies successfully introduced in [just] a few years.”

Charleston County worked tirelessly for many years to develop the best Pavement Management Program that would benefit all citizens and visitors to the area. Through changes in “C” fund legislature in 1995, the legislative delegation created the Charleston County Transportation Committee. This committee became the first to utilize “C Funds” equaling 2.66 cents of the state’s 16.8 cents/gallon gasoline tax allocated specifically for road improvement projects.

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