Asphalt Materials and Mixtures 2013, Vol. 2

TRB Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2371 consists of 14 papers that explore pavement with high recycled asphalt content; visco-elastic properties of reclaimed asphalt mixtures; environmental susceptibility of bituminous mastic viscosity; reacted and activated rubber; warm-mix asphalt for heavy traffic airfields; low-temperature performance characterization of bio-modified asphalt mixtures; and asphalt mixtures that contain bio-binder technologies.

This issue of the TRR also examines high reclaimed asphalt pavement mixture properties; a forensic study on the cracking of New Jersey’s long-term pavement performance-specific pavement study sections; the estimating of compactability temperatures for warm-mix asphalt; performance enhancement of crumb rubber–modified asphalts; performance characterization of asphalt mixtures at high asphalt binder replacement with recycled asphalt shingles; moisture damage evaluation of asphalt mixes that contain mining byproducts; and the resilient modulus for recycled asphalt pavement applications in base course layers.

Read TRR No 2371

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