Thin Overlay (1″< T < 2")

wdt_ID Treatment Service Life Pavement Life Extension Lane Miles Completed (2016) Cost Per Square Yard (2016) Cost Per Lane Mile (2016) Total Project Cost Per Lane Mile Total Quantity Completed by Agency in 2016 (Tons/SY) Treatment Placed by Agency or Contract Specific Treatment Details (gradation, binder type, # of courses, etc.) Pavement Conditions Treated
1 87.57 $66,852 Contract
2 8-12 years 334 $170,000 Contract
3 451 $68,640 3,812,400 Contract SR-9.5A and SR-12.5A dense HMA mixes
4 4-10 years 4-10 years $2.92 $52.24 688,393 Contract Superpave mixes
5 9 9 Contract