
State Treatment Type wdt_ID Treatment Service Life Pavement Life Extension Lane Miles Completed (2016) Cost Per Square Yard (2016) Cost Per Lane Mile (2016) Total Project Cost Per Lane Mile Total Quantity Completed by Agency in 2016 (Tons/SY) Treatment Placed by Agency or Contract Specific Treatment Details (gradation, binder type, # of courses, etc.) Pavement Conditions Treated
Illinois Two Pass Chip Seal 6 5-7 3 74.26 2.64 18,565.49 34,607.66 524,939 Contract
North Dakota Minimac 7 4 75 Agency Depressed Cracks
South Dakota Microsurfacing Shoulder wedge drop-offs 8 15 0 74 3,300 4,300 Contract 1 lift 2- foot wide on the shoulder adjacent to the mainline PCCP Edge drop-offs
Illinois Centerline Micro-Surfacing 9 3-5 1 91.68 4.53 31,856 14,045.43 93,754 Contract 18" - 36" over the longitudinal joint of an HMA surface