2013 SEPPP Annual Meeting

Meeting Details
Date05/29 - 05/31
LocationSan Antonio, Texas

What is the Southeast Pavement Preservation Partnership (SEPPP)?

The Southeast Pavement Preservation Partnership is a regional forum of pavement professionals from State Agencies, Contractors, Suppliers, Academia, Local and Federal Government Officials, all working together to take advantage of the synergy to be gained from sharing information and identifying common issues for further investigation. It provides a forum to share and publicize information describing improvements in research, design, specifications, materials and construction practices, and to promote the benefits of Pavement Preservation through education and application.

Agenda: SEPPP Agenda 2013

Thin Lift Overlays - Research Projects
Tom Scullion - Texas A&M Transportation Institute
# Name Organization Presentation Title PDF
1John BartonTexas DOTWelcome to Texas---
2Gordon ProctorProctor and AssociatesMAP - 21 New Opportunity for Managing Pavements
3Judith Corley-LayNCDOTMAP-21 and Pavement Performance Measures
4Steve VarnedoeAgile AssetsTransportation Asset Management Systems
5Larry GalehouseNCPPRemaining Service Life
6Tony VasquezBexar CountyBexar County Preservation Program
7James WatkinsMississippi DOTTSP 2 Website Tools
8Mary RobbinsNCATNCAT Test Track Pavement Preservation Study
9Tim HarrawoodVance BrothersPavement Preservation Training Opportunities
10Tom ScullionTexas A&M Transportation InstituteThin Lift Overlays - Research Projects
11Rob DingessAmerican Traffic Safety Services AssociationHigh Friction Surfacing
12Judith Corley-LayNCDOTSummary of Takeaways from the National Conference
13Magdy MikhailTexas DOTState Agency Reports - Texas DOT
14George ConnerAlabama DOTState Agency Reports - Alabama DOT---
15Mark ChenevertLouisiana DOTDState Agency Reports - Louisiana DOTD
16David CookSCDOTState Agency Reports - SCDOT / Certification Update
17Caleb RiemerOklahoma DOTState Agency Reports - Oklahoma DOT---
18Jon WilcoxsonKentucky Transportation CabinetState Agency Reports - Kentucky Transportation Cabinet
19Richard TurnerCharleston CountyState Agency Reports - Charleston County
20Thomas MedvickWest Virginia DOTState Agency Reports - West Virginia DOT
21James WatkinsMississippi DOTState Agency Reports - Mississippi DOT
22Dennis WoffordNCDOTState Agency Reports - NCDOT---
23Eric PittsGeorgia DOTState Agency Reports - Georgia DOT---
24Jim MaxwellTennessee DOTState Agency Reports - Tennessee DOT
25John FowlerFlorida DOTState Agency Reports - Florida DOT
26Geoff HallNEPPP Partnership Reports - NEPPP
27Mary Gayle PadmosRMWPPPPartnership Reports - RMWPPP
28Tara LiskeMWPPPPartnership Reports - MWPPP
29Kit BlackTexas DOTCold In-Place Recycling
30Robert LeeTexas DOTHot In-Place Recycling
31Moon WonTexas Tech UniversityPreservation of Rigid Pavement - Full Depth and Partial Depth Repairs
32Chris LubbersKraton PolymersHighly-Modified (HiMA) Micro Surfacing Emulsion Technology
33Cindy EstakhriTexas A&M Transportation InstituteGuidelines on Variable Asphalt Shot Rates for Seal Coats
34Feng HongTexas DOTDiamond Grinding: Overview of Pavement Performance in Texas
35Darlene GoehlTexas DOTBest Practices For Edge Cracking
36John CalvertPavement TechnologyTasl Force Reports - Specifications
37Heath PattersonMississippi DOTTasl Force Reports - Integrating PP in PMS