2007 SEPPP Annual Meeting

Meeting Details
Date04/25 - 04/26
LocationRaleigh, North Carolina
# Name Organization Presentation Title PDF
1Florida Department of Transportatin (FDOT)Florida Pavement Preservation
2Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT)Mississippi DOT History, Current Practices & Next Steps
3Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT)Georgia Pavement Preservation
4North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT)Building North Carolina's Pavement Preservation Program
5Gerry EllerFoundation for Pavement Preservation (FP2)Southeastern Pavement Preservation Partnership
6Y. Richard Kim, Jaejun Lee and Andrew JeromeNorth Carolina State UniversityPavement Preservation Research in North Carolina
7Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT)Pavement Preservation in Tennessee
8Texas Pavement Preservation Center (TPPC)Texas Pavement Preservation Center
9The National Center for Pavement Preservation (NCPP)Transportation System Preservation Technical Services Program (TSP2)