2011 RMWPPP Annual Meeting

Meeting Details
Date10/04 - 10/06
LocationReno, Nevada

What: The Rocky Mountain West Pavement Preservation Partnership is a regional forum of pavement professionals working together to promote the benefits of Pavement Preservation through information sharing, education and application

Where: Peppermill Resort Spa Casino

The RMWPPP 2011 Travel Planning Request Form can be downloaded here.

Summary of NCHRP Synthesis on Microsurfacing
Rusty Price - Intermountain Slurry Seal
# Name Organization Presentation Title PDF
1Bill HoffmanNevada DOTWelcome to Nevada---
2Susan KlekarFHWAFHWA Welcome---
3Lloyd NeeleyUtah DOTRMWPPP History, Organizational Structure, Status Report, Agenda and Meeting Expectations
4Rod MillsMills Pavement Management ServicesKeynote Address - Why Pavement Preservation Matters to Everyone
5Butch WlaschinFHWANational Updates - FHWA Initiatives
6Larry GalehouseNCPPNational Updates - AASHTO TSP2 Program
7Jim MoulthropFP2 IncNational Updates - FP2 Inc. - Jim Moulthrop
8Barb LezotteLezotte-Miller Public RelationsNational Updates - National Media Campaign
9Michael San AngeloAlaska DOTState Agency Presentations - Alaska
10Mafiz MianArizona DOTState Agency Presentations - Arizona---
11Mike SantiIdaho DOTState Agency Presentations - Idaho---
12Stan BurnsUtah DOTState Agency Presentations - Utah
13Steve OlsonColorado DOTState Agency Presentations - Colorado
14Casey AbeHawaii DOTState Agency Presentations - Hawaii
15Mary Gayle PadmosMontana DOTState Agency Presentations - Montana
16David LuhrWashington DOTState Agency Presentations - Washington
17Greg MilburnWyoming DOTState Agency Presentations - Wyoming
18Anita BushNevada DOTState Agency Presentations - Nevada
19Gary HicksCP2The California Pavement Preservation Center
20Delmar SalomonPavement Preservation Systems LLCSpecifications Task Force Report
21Steve OlsonColorado DOTCommunication Task Force Report
22Mark BeattyHolbrook AsphaltPromotional Task Force Report
23Susan Martinovich, Cathy Nelson, Carlos BracerasNevada, Oregon, Utah DOT'sPanel Discussion - The Value of PP from and Agency Executive's Perspective---
24David PeshkinApplied Pavement TechnologyDocumenting Preventive Maintenance Cost Effectiveness
25Craig HenningsIGGAETG For Pavement Preservation - Rigid Pavements
26George JohnsonNACEPavement Preservation for County Governments
27Rusty PriceIntermountain Slurry SealSummary of NCHRP Synthesis on Microsurfacing
28Jack DoughertyParamount PetroleumEmulsions 101
29Vendor RepresentativesVendor Introductions---
3030 - Task Force Reports.pdf
31Kent HansenNAPAHMA and Warm Mix Technologies
32Jason NelsonNCATNCAT Preservation Research
33Stu ZickErgon AsphaltFog Seals
34Pat KennedyCity of Denver, ColoradoLTAP Involvement in Pavement Preservation---