1 | Kathy Laffey, George Campbell | New Hampshire FHWA Division Office | Welcome to New Hampshire | --- |
2 | Edmund Naras | Massachusetts Department of Transportation | State Report Massachusetts | --- |
3 | Robert J. Blight | New Jersey Department of Transportation | State Report New Jersey | --- |
4 | Jim Chisom | Nova Scotia Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal | State Report Nova Scotia | --- |
5 | Michael Fowler | Vermont Agency of Transportation | State Report Vermont | --- |
6 | Jose Lima | Rhode Island Department of Transportation | State Report Rhode Island | --- |
7 | Edgardo D. Block | Connecticut Department of Transportation | State Report Connecticut | --- |
8 | Thomas Kane | New York State Department of Transportation | State Report New York | --- |
9 | Eric Thibodeau | New Hampshire Department of Transportation | State Report New Hampshire | --- |
10 | John Tauscher | National Park Service | Preservation in the National Park Service |  |
11 | Timothy Hens | National Association of County Engineers (NACE) | A County Perspective on Pavement Preservation |  |
12 | Geoff Hall | Maryland State Highway Administration | State Report Maryland | --- |
13 | Scott Nazar | Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | State Report Pennsylvania | --- |
14 | Jennifer Pinkerton, Shahin Taavoni | Delaware Department of Transportation | State Report Delaware | --- |
15 | Scott Shuler | Colorado State University | Manual for Emulsion-Based Chip Seals for Pavement Preservation |  |
16 | Dr. Jo Sias Daniel | University of New Hampshire | A Study of Extracted Binder Properties |  |
17 | Janice Williams | Louisiana Department of Transportation & Development (LA DOTD) | Restoring Surface Friction and Extending Service Life with Rejuvenators |  |
18 | Doug Barrett | Harris Miller Miller & Hanson Inc. (HMMH) | Tire-Pavement Noise Evaluation Using On-Board Sound Intensity Measurements |  |
19 | Larry Galehouse | The National Center for Pavement Preservation | NCPP Update | --- |
20 | Jim Moulthrop | FP2 Inc. | FP2 Inc. | --- |
21 | Chris Newman | Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) | Federal Highway Administration Updates | --- |
22 | Dave Newcomb | National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA) | Warm Mix Asphalt - The Future of Flexible Pavements |  |
23 | Rick Stone | Cimline Northeast | Joint Resealing on PCC Pavements |  |
24 | George Whitney | Providence, NY | Developing a Simple PMS |  |
25 | Walaa Mogawer | University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Highway Sustainability Research Center (HS | Thin Lifts Research Study |  |