1 | Edgardo Block | Connecticut Department of Transportation | Welcome and Moment of Silence for Jim Sorenson | --- |
2 | Chris Newman | Federal Highway Administration | National Highway Institute Training Update | --- |
3 | Jim Moulthrop | FP2, Inc. | Slurry/Microsurface - Mix Design Procedure |  |
4 | John Roberts | International Grooving and Grinding Association | Preservation of Concrete Pavements |  |
5 | Kevin McGhee | Virginia Department of Transportation | Performance Guidelines for the Selection of Bituminous Crack Sealants |  |
6 | Doug Gensler | Crafco, Inc | Crack Sealants |  |
7 | Tom Bennert | Rutgers University | Thin Mix Overlays and Warm Mix Asphalt |  |
8 | Edgardo Block | Connecticut Department of Transportation | Integrating Pavement Preservation and Pavement Management |  |
9 | Robert Orthmeyer | Federal Highway Administration | Regional Profiler Calibrating Activities |  |
10 | Alan Kercher | Kercher Engineering, Inc | Using Pavement Management Software to Optimize Your PP Program |  |
11 | Everett Crews | MeadWestvaco Corp. | Volatile Organic Compounds and Pavement Preservation |  |
12 | Jim Moulthrop | FP2, Inc. | Foundation for Pavement Preservation Update | --- |
13 | Chris Newman | Federal Highway Administration | ARRA and Pavement Preservation | --- |
14 | Larry Galehouse | The National Center for Pavement Preservation | NCPP Update | --- |
15 | Steve Varnedoe | National Center for Pavement Preservation | AASHTO TSP2 Update | --- |
16 | Ed Naras | Massachusetts Department of Transportation | State Report - Massachusetts | --- |
17 | Geoff Hall | Maryland Department of Transportation | State Report - Maryland | --- |
18 | Mike Fowler | Vermont Department of Transportation | State Report - Vermont | --- |
19 | Eric Thibodeau | New Hampshire Department of Transportation | State Report - New Hampshire | --- |
20 | Jim Chisholm | Nova Scotia Department of Transportation | State Report - Nova Scotia | --- |
21 | Colin Franco | Rhode Island Department of Transportation | State Report - Rhode Island | --- |
22 | Joe Beke | New Jersey Department of Transportation | State Report - New Jersey | --- |
23 | Ed Denehy, Rick Bennett | New York Department of Transportation | State Report - New York | --- |
24 | Edgardo Block | Connecticut Department of Transportation | State Report - Connecticut | --- |
25 | Jim Moulthrop | FP2, Inc. | Asphalt Emulsion Quality Control | --- |