1 | Karl Browning | Indiana DOT | Welcome to Indiana | --- |
2 | Karen Bobo | FHWA | FHWA Welcome | --- |
3 | Tara Liske | Manitoba | Welcome from MPPP |  |
4 | Scott Stotlemeyer | Missouri DOT | Welcome from MWBPP | --- |
5 | Gordon Proctor | Proctor and Associates | MAP-21 New Opportunity for Managing Pavements |  |
6 | Francine Shaw Whitson | FHWA | MAP-21 Performance Management Elements |  |
7 | Jim Moulthrop | FP2 Inc. | The Pavement Preservation Industry & FP2 Inc. |  |
8 | Siva Venugopalan | Siva Corrosion Services | Bridge Preservation Industry Update |  |
9 | Thomas Van | FHWA | SHRP2 Overview and Pavement Update |  |
10 | Rob Dingess | American Traffic Safety Services Association | High Friction Surfacing |  |
11 | Christopher Clement | New Hampshire DOT | Keep Good Roads Good / Sorenson Award Winner |  |
12 | Howie Snyder | Vance Brothers | Pavement Preservation Training Opportunities |  |
13 | Mary Robbins | NCAT | 2012 NCAT Test Track Pavement Preservation Study |  |
14 | Anita Bush | Nevada DOT | Partnership Reports - RMWPPP |  |
15 | Jon Wilcoxson | Kentucky Transportation Cabinet | Partnership Reports - SEPPP | --- |
16 | Dean Dickinson | Connecticut DOT | Partnership Reports - NEPPP | --- |
17 | Bill Tompkins | Indiana DOT | State Agency Reports - Indiana DOT |  |
18 | | Illinois DOT | State Agency Reports - Illinois DOT |  |
19 | Francis Todey | Iowa DOT | State Agency Reports - Iowa DOT |  |
20 | | Kansas DOT | State Agency Reports - Kansas DOT |  |
21 | | Ohio DOT | State Agency Reports - Ohio DOT |  |
22 | Becca Lane | Ontario Ministry of Transportation | State Agency Reports - Ontario MOT |  |
23 | Matthew Hildebrand | Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation | State Agency Reports - Manitoba IT |  |
24 | Tom Wood | Minnesota DOT | State Agency Reports - Minnesota DOT |  |
25 | David Bruins | North Dakota DOT | State Agency Reports - North Dakota DOT |  |
26 | Gill Hedman | South Dakota DOT | State Agency Reports - South Dakota DOT |  |
27 | Nichole Andre | Saskatchewan Ministry of Highways & Infrastructure | State Agency Reports - Saskatchewan Ministry | --- |
28 | Erin Chelotti | Michigan DOT | State Agency Reports - Michigan DOT | --- |
29 | Todd Miller | Missouri DOT | State Agency Reports - Missouri DOT | --- |
30 | Dan Haid | Boone County, Missouri | State Agency Reports - Boone County | --- |
31 | Robert Orthmeyer | FHWA | Surface Characteristics |  |
32 | Raymie Eckerle and Richard Domonkos | City of Jasper | Indiana LTAP Presentation | --- |
33 | Chris Lubbers | Kraton Polymers | Highly Modified Binders for Thin Lift and Microsurfacing Emulsion Applications |  |
34 | Jerry Geib | Minnesota DOT | MPPP Tak Force Review |  |
35 | Kelly Smith | Applied Pavement Technology | Cost Effectiveness of the Michigan DOT and National Park Service (NPS) Preservation Programs |  |
36 | Becca Lane | Ontario Ministry of Transportation | Performance of CIR Technologies in Ontario |  |
37 | Larry Galehouse | NCPP | NCPP Update |  |
38 | Moderated by Scott Stotlemeyer | Missouri DOT | Roundtable Discussion - When Preservation is no Longer Cost Effective |  |
39 | John Hooks | NCPP | Pavement and Bridge Research Roadmap Update |  |
40 | Moderated by Jerry Geib | Minnesota DOT | Opportunities and Challenges Impacting Preservation - Discussion | --- |
41 | Scott Stotlemeyer | Missouri DOT | Meeting Summary and Adjournment | --- |